The Law of Seven: 

also known as the Law of Octaves. This law states that all creation happens in an octave. Oct, means eight, yet the law is the law of seven. How? 

In an octave, we start and end with the note DO. When we count the note DO twice, it gives us a total of eight points, not seven. 

Earth represents the note Mi on the octave of all existence. This is not high on the chain of command. Earth is governed by 48 laws, which could be compared to asking 48 people for permission before you do anything. 

Mi is short for Mixtus Orbi, which means “mixed rule”. This mixed rule is the duality of Good and Evil that all humans are forced to incarnate in. No human is born enlightened, aware of the third force that neutralizes all conflict. Enlightenment is this awareness. The enneagram symbol is a map to enlightenment. 

In Tantra they say “the One became two for the joy of returning to One again.”

If you would like to know what the rest of the notes of the solfege are abbreviations for, as well as what the 48 laws are that govern our existence, I hope you will invest your time in this free, short book “Nine Lines: a primer to the Enneagram”, and it’s corresponding masterclass on Black, White, and Red Magic.

The Law of Octaves demonstrates that there are no straight lines in Creation. No matter how much you would like to transition seamlessly from point A of your creation, to point B, this is not how creation happens.

More specifically, the Law of Octaves tells you exactly where your creation is going to fall off course. If you are not aware of this law, when things fall off course you will either quit, or blame yourself or the Devil. Both of these options render objective creation impossible. 

However, when you ARE aware of where your creation is going to fall off course, because you have the objective map in your hand,  you can prepare for it accordingly. If you would like to know where these points are that you will fall off course, as well as examples of this, I hope you consider investing your time in the free Nine Lines eBook and Masterclass, where this sacred and complex system can be presented in greater detail. An audiobook is available as well.

Let’s use pop culture to help us bring this all together. 

Shakira set the intention to make her old career new again. If she was using an enneagram, she would be able to look forward and see that the Spanish IRS would be coming, that her husband would cheat on her, and that her father would fall ill. She wouldn’t see the details of these exact events, but that big, complicated events would occur at these crucial moments.

If she was using an enneagram, the first thing she would do is make a circle. This represents time. Her old career would become new again within time.

The next thing she would do is make a triangle. The triangle are the three forces present in her creation. 

At point zero, which is also point nine at the top, she would put “career”. The active, desiring concept of “new”, and the passive, denying concept of “old” would all be contained within the neutralizing world of her career. On the enneagram, the significance of each point is immutable. Point Nine is always neutral, Point Three is always Passive, and Point Six is always active. 

Then she would make the Line of Supervision, which goes from one to four, four to two, two to eight, eight to five, and five to seven. Each of these points are also immutable, and can be explained in greater detail in the free eBook, and masterclass.

Her journey would begin with her DECISION to make her old career new again. When you decide with your WHOLE being to change, by law, the Universe takes the first two steps for you. In esoteric terms, if you sound the note Do with enough conviction, you will be carried to note Re, and Mi by the Universe.

She would then set her clear intention, for example, have more record sales than ever before, do a vanguard performance at MTV, 10m followers on TikTok etc, have every single be trending.

After that she would collect her tools, get her producers etc. If she had the enneagram, she would know things are about to get hard. 

She would now be faced with the first, and most discouraging of the obstacles at point three, the passive point. Here, she will be forced to let her fears of being a forgotten, washed up pop star completely die.  Unforeseen, chaotic events. The IRS coming after her. Would she fold or fight? At this same time, her nanny reveals to her that she is being cheated on by her husband. Would she fold or fight? She fights the charges, and leaves her husband.

Shakira chooses to fight. Not many do this. On some level, she remembered that she asked for a renaissance, and here she is. 

At point four, all the limitations she's been given, guide her to a breakthrough style. When someone folds at point three, they can’t get through the limitations, because they believe it’s the Universe saying what they want is not meant for them. This is problematic.

The limitations of her heartbreak, her eviction, and her legal battles become the fuel for her new album. She begins writing new music.

She reaches point five, which is the point of no return. She is ordered to stand trial in September of 2022, and prepares an unforgettable video for her first single with Ozuna, spilling the tea on what has been going on with her. 

She reaches point six, where her old career is becoming new again. Her new single is released, and the internet is floored. She accesses a brand new fanbase, and her existing fanbase shows her support like she’s never seen before. Her ex fires back in typical pettiness, and her beloved father is hospitalized for a brain injury. Will she fold or fight? She fights. The more you fight, the less battles scare you.

She reaches point seven, her new single with Bizzarap. It is an overwhelming success. Her songs go more viral than ever, including Acrostica. She wins the coveted video vanguard award by MTV and is invited to perform a 10 minute performance. Nothing solidifies the return of a career like this, and none of it would be possible without the difficulties she faces.

At point eight, she reaches the second most difficult moment in any creation. When you are so near the finish line, it seems like everything you’ve worked for could be ripped away from you.

The beauty of the final point of the enneagram is that by law, when you get to the final step, an invisible hand reaches back and pulls you to it. Like a marathon runner who is on the verge of giving up. They made it through the initial fatigue and unexpected cramps at point three. They made it through the feeling that they were too far behind to place where they wanted to be. Now at point eight, they feel like they may not even cross the finish line. At each point of difficulty, the appeal of quitting becomes more and more tantalizing. But then, our runner sees the finish line, and a new wave of energy comes over him. He isn’t given wings, he isn’t given water, he isn’t bumped to first place, he simply sees the finish line, sees the invisible hand, and is given fresh energy to complete the task. This will happen for Shakira. It’s not hope. It’s math.

EDIT: Shakira settled out of court for less than half of what she allegedly owed the government. The long trial was cut down to 40 minutes, and Shakira walked.

If you understand the master of all systems, you will never be blindsided by chaos again. 

You can accomplish the impossible, any time you choose to. For any project, great or small. This is not something that can be mastered in fifteen minutes, but those who are hungry to know more will be well fed. Please enjoy the free eBook and Masterclass.

Study until there is a force in you that nothing can destroy.