The Law of Three: 

represented by the triangle. This states that the correct tension for balance is to have equal parts active force, passive force, and neutralizing force for balance to occur.

For example: in life we have the active force of our desires, the things we want to happen. Then there is the passive, or resisting force of our desires being denied. The things we want don’t happen, and sometimes things we don’t want to happen, happen. 

In dualistic religions they say that there are two forces, God and the Devil. When you get what you want, that's God. When you don’t get what you want, that's the Devil. This is not correct. 

The Universe, source energy, and all things great and small have three forces. Sometimes that force is creating, sometimes that force is destroying, and sometimes that force is neutralizing. Something can be destructive and still be God. This is known as the holy trinity in Christianity, the trimurti in Hinduism, and is the meaning behind the Celtic pagan symbol triskele, and the geometric triangle.

Understanding the three states is absolutely integral to the spiritual seeker.  For example, if we are wanting to comprehend the fifth dimensional technology, we need to fully understand the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is time and space. All things you want to “manifest”, or draw to you using the fifth dimensional technology of world creation, can only be drawn to you through time and space. If you don’t understand how time and space work, then no amount of fifth dimensional knowledge will make it understood. No amount of knowledge can substitute understanding.

To understand the fourth dimension, we need to identify it’s three forces. Like Nikola Tesla said, “if you only understood the magnificence of the 3,6, and 9, you would have the key to the Universe” . Identifying the Law of Three working in all things, and each force’s placement at 3, 6, and 9, is exactly what we are doing here.

The true nature of time is flow. Time is not a schedule, time is a flow. If everyone is scheduled to be at work at 7AM, that doesn’t mean that’s in flow. Schedules divide, flow unites.

Flow has three states. To be in flow, you participate in all three states equally. 

There is active flow, when you are outputting based on what you know. For example, writing a chapter of your book.

There is passive flow, when you are inputting based on what you don’t know. For example, reading a book. You can still be in flow when you’re not active. Studying, or conscious entertainment is a necessary aspect of flow.

And most importantly, and most often forgotten, there is the neutral state of flow. This is when you are shown things that you could not input or output.

The third force neutralizes all conflict. If you want to write about the correlation between chakras and core childhood traumas, and no one can teach you this, it could be revealed to you if you stay in neutral.

You are still in flow when you’re not doing anything at all.

Similarly, space has three states. Distance, proximity,  and presence. Something you want is near to you, and you’re happy. Something you want is far from you, and you’re sad. The neutralizing principle is that something you want exists. It is present SOMEWHERE. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just because you don’t have it, doesn’t mean you never will. 

Something can be far from you and still be yours. Something can be near to you and be yours. Something can be unseen, and still be yours.

To know this is one thing, to understand this is quite another. 

Finally, when it comes to magic, with all of its various paths and pageantries, having a unified lens through which to view the many schools can save a neophyte considerable time and efforts. Magic is the ability to work the forces of the unseen world with the same skill you use in the seen world. When you demonstrate skills not usually seen in the common world, they call it a miracle. They call it magic.

There are three categories of lesser magic. There is white magic, which is the use of will. There is black magic, which is the use of fear. There is red magic, which is sacrificial magic. All three are necessary. No matter how much dualistic hostility lives between the lodges, all three are necessary for creation. These laws are immutable, there are no exceptions.